I have gone through some of the comments and found some of the query like i am a MBA in Hr ,or I have experience in so and so …. can i start a Hr consultancy? My answer is yes you can . Anything is possible if you make up your mind and its well said that “Jahan chah hai waah Raah hai” . See if you are planning to sell your skills as a service provider, the first thing you need to know is how it works and gain the expertise on it. I have mentioned some of the points based on my experience hope it helps you
The important requirements to start a HR consultancy are:-
1) Complete knowledge of recruitment process.
2) Ready for hard work and long working hours.
3) Presentable and Good communication skills.
4) Basic accounting knowledge.
5) How to convert clients?
Complete knowledge of Recruitment Process
One should know the basics of recruitment process and should be aware of the current trends in recruitment process as it will be an advantage because here you will be selling your this skill in a form of product or service.
Ready for hard work and long working hour
We all know that hard work is the key to success. And when you start something new you need to give it more time to make it successful. Same implies here as you need to be ready for long working hours as recruitment takes time.
Presentable and Good communication skills
One should be presentable and should have very good communication skills as he has to sell the recruitment skills to clients in terms of service. So you need to make them believe that you have that skill which they are looking into their recruiting partner and for this good communication are required to convince them with good presentation.
Basic accounting knowledge
One should have basic accounting knowledge because you need to raise the invoices regularly for clearance of bills, once your candidate joins the organizations.
How to convert clients?
Client conversion is “an art of convincing“. When you become an expert in convincing you will get more clients. Here you have to sell your services and you have to convince that as a service provider that you are perfect to fulfill their requirements. There are a lot of ways by which you can convert clients which include regular meetings with clients, being active on social networking websites, posting your ads on professional networking websites.
If you don’t have these skills don’t worry. You can develop with your hard work and dedication over time. Remember ‘Rome was not built in a day’. So be positive.
a very successful site. Also very revealing article. Thanks to the contributors.
Such a very informative post to start a recruitment agency thanks for sharing.
Comment…hello pls help me i want to open a job consultancy i have all the skills but i dont no where to registered it
Really u r a achiever Superb madam……….. i wish u all success………..
Hi Madam, can you please tell me about how consultancies tie up relationship with client??? How are consultancies paid by the client.. This has been a question unanswered…
Wonderful articles. I got all the answers. I have already started one and getting there day-by-day.
Thanks for sharing this article, I am happy to get this. You have the best site and nice posts they very helped us. It’s an impressive one of the best blogs . I am very much impressed with you. Thank u all
I totally agree with you Sangita. If you are starting your own HR consultancy, you must develop a habit of working for long hours. Good things comes by hard work. Nice writing and thanks for sharing your experience.
Thanks for sharing the best posts they very useful You made a great site it’s amazing one this is the best one and very interesting site and thoughts they very help us
This is best post with all proper guidance for those who are willing to start their business.