Never Say Die

Never say die… What does this mean? Is this just another three words?

Just three words  but its incredibly tough, powerful and strong words. The above three words decides your attitude and its your attitude which is responsible for your success or failure.

I am quite sure most of you must have read these three words somewhere and many people might have advised you to follow the same.  However, there is a huge difference between advice and reality.  I also read it many times and decided that i will follow the same, but its not so easy.

I still remember the days when I left my job to make my identity.  Just like anybody, In beginning i was filled with  excitement and lots of  ideas. When i started, I felt everything was so easy. But the reality was something else. Starting a company is very easy but running is quite difficult. I though everything would be smooth but nothing was going as per my thinking  and plannings. I was totally lost and many times i felt like going back to the job.

Although i was depressed, there was something which was fueling me. That was my dream to make an identity for myself and make my parents feel proud of myself, that was my never say die attitude.  It was already more than 2 months and i did not have a single client. To add to my miseries i started my Hr consultancy at the time of recession, nobody was interested in my services. I contacted lot of client but no success.  But this did not stop me, i started with more energy the next day and finally started getting clients.

What i want to tell you that everybody has 2 options infront of him all the time. One is a difficult option and other option is little easy one. Its upto you to decide which option you want to choose for yourself. Difficult option is always a test of your never say die spirit and choose it only if really want to excel. And never say die  in anything you do, and i am sure you will reap the benefits.

Till now i have achieved only 10% of my dreams… still a long way to go but  know i will make it.

Sharing is caring!


I am Sangita Singh, Owner and Director of GS Job Point, a revolutionary Hr Consultancy company. I am an MBA- in HR and marketing and was working for an MNC with a nice in hand salary but I decided to leave the job and start something on my own.

There is 1 comment

  1. Well… that’s amazing but frankly i have a hard time figuring it… wonder how others think about this..

    March 10, 2010, 5:07 am