Everyday we receive numerous requests on how to become a successful placement consultant and how to start a placement consultancy company. In an information age a website is highly recommended, and so the first most important thing we feel is a website for any company.
We know everybody want a website, more appropriately a cheap website. But in search of a cheap website people go to such vendors who are technically sound enough to create something new for their clients. Most of the cheap website Designers do not know website designing at all. They just need money and thus they quote their clients blindly.
Our corporate site gets lots of praise and we get many clients because of good website design. A good website design shows that a company is professional. We knew that our site is good and informational but we never knew this is so good that people start copying it.
Recently it came to our notice that a placement consultant has copied our entire website. It is good that she liked our site but this is really not acceptable that someone copies our entire site images, content, text, file name, ideas, contact us page and everything.
I am attaching you few screenshot to get an idea of what she (careermakers.co.in) did….
We paid a nice amount to web company for the design development and content writing. It is something which we don’t want anybody to steal. It feels bad when we see that somebody knowingly does that.
As soon as we came to know about the incident that somebody copied our entire our full website for their company website and we contacted the company about the issue. Fortunately, the company accepted their fault and took their site down. But what if we never knew that our site is being copied over.
What we feel is that this should not be done. This is neither ethical nor logical. I don’t know why designers just copied our entire site and gifted it to their client. I am shocked such companies exist in India and they are in huge numbers. They just money, they neither have technical know how nor they have any creativity but yes they charge very less. Of course they will charge less, because stealing is the easiest thing they can do and it does not cost anything to steal. For your information, the designer company who stole our design was “VKNETWORK SOLUTIONS——–TOTAL INTERNET SOLUTIONS” .
I don’t why client approved and accepted copied design from them. This is totally unethical and unacceptable. I want every client to be smart and responsible so that companies like “VKNETWORK Solutions’, should learn that they should work professionally so that clients does not end up in any trouble. For design companies, i would suggest them to use their own creativity instead of stealing somebody else work.
Rest everything is fine 🙂 Enjoy the weekend.
Note: This post is just for informational purpose, not meant to hurt anybody.
Don’t forget to leave your comments.
I have sympathy with you that your website was copied.
You website looks nice and i would also have copied it. It should be accepted that very few consultants have nice and professional website. But i cannot expect this from web design companies.
Shame on vknetworks