Important Tips for Job Seekers and Proffessionals

Many times it happens Interviews seems to be very good, people get positive but they do not receive call from company, what went wrong?

The Reason of Rejections may be:-

1) Not presentable

2) Salary issues

3) Lack of confidence

4) Lacking clearness .

This is a small tips which may help you:-

1)      Be Presentable- I agree, that people should be judged by their skills not by their dresses. But many times it happens that people represent the company.  And that is why, hiring managers wants  to hire a presentable person so it is always advised to dress in a proper formal way.

2) Express your ideas clearly- Always try to answer in a simple and straight forward way. Be what you are and answer every question politely.

3)      ‘What salary are you looking for?’-This is one of the most tricky and frequent question that you will come across. To answer this question, you can generally say  that:-

a) You’re flexible, or

b) It depends on the responsibilities of the job.

Avoid putting a number infront of interviewer as that might prove to be a bottleneck at the time of negotiation.

4) Don’t Lie about Your Salary- Don’t lie about your salary. Never Ever.  Never try to trick the company as no matter what the case might be company can eventually find  your salary out.

If you’re unemployed, the first and foremost thing is to take action: take classes, meet people, go to industry meetings, start a blog, read a book a week. Just don’t sit idle.  Remember, if you are passionate about getting a job, no matter how hard the condition is you will surely find your dream job.

All the best.

Salute to Anna Hazare


The dream of India as a strong nation will not be realized without self-reliant, self-sufficient villages, this can be achieved only through social commitment & involvement of the common man.”

Anna Hazare


Who is Anna Hazare? An ex-army  man Fought 1965 Indo-Pak was awarded Padma Bhushan and is a known figure for his social activities. Today everyone is aware about this 74 years  old courageous man who is on strike to remove the corruption, when everyone is  just a viewer.  Everybody is now just tired up from Indian corruption. Its not that no one wants to remove corruption but no one has the time and courage to do so, it may be because of  their busy schedule.  There might be many reasons  but this courageous man has taken the initiative and today everybody is supporting him. He is on Hunger strike for  supporting a cause, He wants the government to make a strong law to curb corruption in India.

He is advocating for a Bill, The Lok Pal Bill (The Citizen OmbudsmanBill), that will form an autonomous authority who will make politicians(ministers), bureaucrats (IAS/IPS) accountable for their deeds. Another incredible thing which Anna Ji has done is that he has ignited a spark in each and every youth today.  Everybody from all over india is united for the cause. More than 2 million people has supported this movement through TOI poll, Millions of people are supporting the incidents on facebook and lacs of people has  gathered in Ramleela ground to support the movement.

While this is quite good  but i am still not sure whether this corrupt government will pass this bill ever.  GS Job Point support the movement by Anna hazaare and requests you to support this great cause as well. This bill will benefit entire country. …… ….. A Big salute to this great man.

Freshers Tag

Are you just out of college? … Are you a fresher?  Look MAA he is a fresher….. You will hear this everywhere. Fresher’s tag is Everywhere 🙂

Today every MBA or B.Tech fresher wants to remove his/her fresher tag because they know they can grow only if they have experience. They know they can make money only if they got nice experience. But the main question is prioritizing. Freshers are more and more becoming money minded, they want to earn money much faster than before.  I have found that freshers are too impatient to take decisions appropriately.   Take the example of one fresher , i just came across

Arun, is pass out of MBA fresher – 2010 batch, but still jobless. He continuously thinks about the ways to get a job.  Many months have passed still arun is not able to get a good job. Finally he receives a job interview call from a HR consultancy company. He was happy,  as the communication continues with HR consultancy his first question with consultancy was how much salary he can get? Just after hearing the answer, He said not interested and disconnected the call . I asked Arun about reason for disconnecting the call. I was shocked hearing the answer… He disconnected the call because the job was in the range of 8k-15k per month. His reasoning was even more shocking, he says i paid 5 lacs for for MBA why should i go for 10 thousand job.

This is a common problem in India where young generation is more attracted towards the money than knowledge. They don’t understand than knowledge is much more important. Even if you get good money, you need knowledge to manage that money. So,I would recommend freshers to get your first job in a company where you could learn more skills, skills which makes your life easier and better. Join a company where you love to work, so instead of focusing on money initially, focus on learning part.

So, even if your first job is less paying job .. go for it if it has provides high learning experience.

Happy Holi

Hello Friends,

Time has been moving so fast. It seems just few days back we celebrated happy new year and now its time to celebrate Holi.  Although there has been so much corruption news that came up in last few months, many tragic incidents happened with girls in northern India, Japan has been Hit. Corruptions, murders, Rapes, theft, natural calamity, blasts, Reactor crisis, tsunami etc….. So many bad things, but still life should go on.. I always celebrated occasions happily but this time i am really sad at the things that is happening in the world especially in India. But again Life should go on and that is why i am wishing  all the readers of GS Job Point and a very happy Holi to all… Enjoy, celebrate But Be RESPONSIBLE. But Please don’t be a viewer, we have seen that these days everybody has become self-centered, so don’t be self centered, help others take responsibility and than only you can expect help from others. Unite Together to Make India a better place.


Wish You a Happy Diwali

GS Job Point Team wishes Happy and prosperous Deepawali to all our blog reader and friends.

On this auspicious occasion, we welcome all the people who want to get associated with GS Job Point in any form, who has talent and have enthusiasm to achieve anything  in life. You can contact us using the form below and  get associated with GS Job Point to achieve your ambitions and dreams in life.

How to develop clients for HR Consultancy

Making clients and  increasing profits are one of the safest kept secrets, which virtually no  would like you to know.  Everybody  wants to discover what the secret is ? But very few know em’all .  Everybody wonders about why a company is more profitable than another company and how they bring clients for themselves.

It is a general tendency to think that lower service fee  bags all the clients. But its not correct at all. We receive lots of queries regarding how to get clients and how to increases profits, so i am just sharing my views with you all hope it helps you out.

Generally their are many ways to do business development  work and every method works. It depends on how smartly you follow the procedures to get clients for you placement consultancy. If you are low on budget or just starting up, you can  follow these simple steps to attract your first client:-

  1. First decide which location you want to target i.e. do you want to provide recruitment in a city or want to provide recruitment all over India,
  2. Every company requires manpower but you have to target the companies which urgently requires the manpower,
  3. A good way to search for a company is jobs newspaper or newspaper advertisemet. A company who can afford a advertisement in a good newspaper can even afford HR consultancy,
  4. Contact details are generally provided in the advertisement, so contact the concerned person through that,
  5. Always prepare for face to face meeting as it builds relationship and trust and get the contract signed then and their.
  6. Once done, provide them best candidates in shortest possible time frame. Remember first impression counts.
  7. Once position is closed, meet them and ask for feedback and ask for references.
  8. Just do these steps and you will get many long term clients.

This is one of the most basic way  to  develop clients and this method always work. Presentation, confidence and convincing ability is most important, so give your best punch in the meeting.

Good Luck and All the best..

Wish you all Happy Independence day

We wish Happy Independence day to all our blog readers and Indian friends. Independence day is not just a holiday its more than day. So, Enjoy the  day and feel proud that you are an Indian. We also wish to convey on this occasion that try to be honest towards your country, do your duties honestly and help the people who need your help. Every bit counts in building this country a better place. Enjoy life to the fullest and help others to enjoy them as well.

Shortcut For Success? Is It Correct?

Everyday we receive numerous requests on how to become a successful placement consultant and how to start a placement consultancy company.  In an information age a website is highly recommended, and so the first most important thing we feel is a website for any company.

We know everybody want a website, more appropriately a cheap website. But in search of a cheap website people go to such vendors who are technically sound enough to create something new for their clients. Most of the cheap website Designers do not know website designing at all. They just need money and thus they quote their clients blindly.

Our corporate site gets lots of praise and we get many clients because of good website design.  A good website design shows that a company is professional. We knew that our site is good and informational but we never knew this is so good that people start copying it.

Recently it came to our notice that a placement consultant has copied  our entire website. It is good that she liked our site but this is really not acceptable that someone copies our entire site images, content, text, file name, ideas, contact us page and everything.

I am attaching you few screenshot to get an idea of what she ( did….


We paid a nice amount to web company for the design development and content writing. It is something which we don’t want anybody to steal. It feels bad when we see that somebody knowingly does that.

As soon as we came to know about the incident that somebody copied our entire our full website for their company website and we contacted the company about the issue. Fortunately, the company accepted their fault and took their site down. But what if we never knew that our site is being copied over.

What we feel is that this should not be done. This is neither ethical nor logical. I don’t know why designers just copied our entire site and gifted it to their client. I am shocked such companies exist in India and they are in huge numbers. They just money, they neither have technical know how nor they have any creativity but yes they charge very less. Of course they will charge less, because stealing is the easiest thing they can do and it does not cost anything to steal. For your information, the designer company who stole our design was “VKNETWORK SOLUTIONS——–TOTAL INTERNET SOLUTIONS” .

I don’t why client approved and accepted copied design from them. This is totally unethical and unacceptable. I want every client to be smart and responsible so that  companies like “VKNETWORK Solutions’, should learn that they should work professionally so that clients does not end up in any trouble. For design companies, i would suggest them to use their own creativity instead of stealing somebody else work.

Rest everything is fine 🙂 Enjoy the weekend.

Note: This post is just for informational purpose, not meant to hurt anybody.

Don’t forget to leave your comments.


How to do effective tele calling for getting new clients

Many people have asked how to develop clients? Developing clients is is a secret strategy and different tricks works for different people.  Many people pitch clients over phone, many go and meet them and convert them, many people lure them by providing cheaper services and the list continues….. Something works for some people and the same thing does not work for others. This is a strategy which everyone learns by experience,  no body is going to disclose them. Its a human tendency, if someone is making money by using a trick why would he tell the world that he is making money that way. But i am going to disclose the secrets on my blog, no matter if it hurts me or creates a competition for me. I will write about all the secrets of making new clients yes i will disclose some  serious secrets also in the coming post.

What i feel that you should always start with tele calling. Tele calling is one of the best way to generate new clients fast. May be people will say tele calling is dead, but it isn’t. everyday transaction worth  billions of dollars are done on phone, so telle calling was never dead and will never be dead. What matters is how you call and whom you call.  Some of the points which should always keep in mind while doing telecalling:-

  1. Always be polite
  2. Sometimes it happens when we call a person he/she might be in meeting always ask for there availability otherwise they get irritated.Never irritate them, instead involve them,
  3. Contact the right person,If you are in HR consultancy try to contact HR manager or in charge of HR. Avoid contacting VP or CEO directly as if they reject you will have to forget the company. Rule of thumb, Start from bottom Up.
  4. Studies showed that  12:00 to 1:00 is the best time to contact new prospective clients,
  5. Whether they are interested in your service or not always ask for there email id so that you can forward your proposal to them. Sending a proposal to the person works, most of the time it has been seen that the proposal recahes the right person and you can get a call from them. Of course you have to make your proposal interesting.
  6. Be patience and be Positive.
  7. Try to make at least 150 calls everyday 🙂

Hope this  article helps in making you good at tele calling. The most important thing is to approach the right person at the right time. next post will tell you how to approach the right person. Till then bye bye and enjoy the blog. 🙂